List of Known Plugin/Theme Conflicts
Plugin Conflicts
Disable the Complianz plugin on pages that load the Vimeography gallery. Visit their FAQ article to learn how to disable Complianz on your gallery page.
BWP Minify
Better WordPress Minify plugin causes some issues with our scripts that come with Vimeography.
Add our scripts to the Do Not Minify list on this page /wp-admin/admin.php?page=bwp_minify_manage
Click the manage enqueued files tab, click select next to each of the vimeography scripts, then choose `not minify` from the options that appear. Save Changes and you should be all set.
Smush by WPMUDev
There is an issue with the iframe lazy load feature that comes with the Smush plugin. Once this feature is disabled, the videos will start loading again.
In your WordPress admin dashboard, visit Smush > Dashboard > Lazy Load tab and on that page, uncheck the box for iframe
Save the settings, clear any caching you might have on site and see if the videos are loading properly after that.
Page Builder by SiteOrigin
I put the shortcode and other text in a SiteOrigin Editor it's not working, but when I put in the same Editor but on its own it works.
Timber theme forwards directly to Vimeo page after popping up for a second
SEO Friendly Images
Stripping the HTML5 data-attributes off of the Vimeography markup, causing the oEmbed video loading to fail.
Grand flash album
Causes weird chromeless popup on fancybox themes
WPCerber may be blocking access to the gallery list and editor in the admin. You can add an exception for Vimeography and it should work exactly as expected.
mangles ajax response with custom added javascript
Gallery Plugin
Old, outdated version of Fancybox that cannot be deregistered by conventional means
Causes incorrectly sized videos on Bugsauce embed.
universal shortcode
It was adding <p> tags directly int the JS script
As soon as I turned it off they reverted to normal. This client has a justified image gallery that he uses for photos - it only uses certain lightboxes and the jetpack carousel is one of them - possibly the culprit?
In Jetpack Settings, under the "Speed up your Site" section, make sure the "Serve images from our servers" setting is disabled
Plugin WP Slimstat
Causes Fancybox videos to link to the Vimeo page instead of play in the fancybox
Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer
plugin has two settings - Optimized CSS and Optimized JS - when I turn off Optimized CSS - everything seems to work.
Fast Velocity Minify
After some work with VFM's logs, I noticed that it was minifying and optimizing the bugsauce.css file. I added this to VFM's exclude list and the test page is working perfectly now! I was also able to remove the two .videowrapper directives from my theme's css file.
Google Analytics Dashboard for WP (GADWP)
Playlister clicks forward straight to Vimeo. I just started deactivated it and now it works.
FooBox Premium
I figured out why the videos weren't downloading. I use FooBox Premium for my site's lightbox function and it was configured to convert all media links to lightboxes instead of honoring the download function. Fortunately, the plugin has a per-page toggle to disable it. Once I did, the Download links resumed working as normal.
Theme Conflicts
Can be identified by the use of the `.ov-done` class during lazyload on images.
User should visit ?page=pp-customize&area=content#content and disabling the Lazy Load images feature
If you're having trouble with your gallery being covered up by other elements on your website, increase the Z-index in DIVI control panel of row preferences (advanced => position => zindex)
1.) Try going to Salient Options > Page Transitions > Disable Fade Out On Click (Checked)
2.) Try going to Salient -> General Settings -> Functionality -> 'Theme Lightbox' set to anything besides Magnific
The Salient WordPress theme is using some code that is conflicting with the Vimeography plugin. The offending code is on line 146 of this file: and looks like this:
//video $('a.magnific-popup.nectar_video_lightbox, .magnific_nectar_video_lightbox a.link_text, .swiper-slide a[href*=youtube], .swiper-slide a[href*=vimeo], .nectar-video-box a.full-link.magnific-popup').magnificPopup({ type: 'iframe', fixedContentPos: false, mainClass: 'mfp-zoom-in', removalDelay: 400 });
Are you able to connect to your site via FTP? If so, try opening the file located at wp-content/themes/salient/js/init.js and modifying that code so instead, it looks like this:
//video $('a.magnific-popup.nectar_video_lightbox, .magnific_nectar_video_lightbox a.link_text, .swiper-slide a[href*=youtube], .nectar-video-box a.full-link.magnific-popup').magnificPopup({ type: 'iframe', fixedContentPos: false, mainClass: 'mfp-zoom-in', removalDelay: 400 });
jQuery(document).ready(function() { if(jQuery(".vimeography-player-container").length > 0){ jQuery(".vimeography-player-container").addClass("fitvidsignore"); } });
child-theme of the Enfold theme by Kriese.
I used a plugin called Asset Queue Manager to dequeue the theme's froogaloop script.
Conflict can be identified by multiple popups on the page, a `mfp-popup` class on the second popup, or determining if the page is loading `/wp-content/themes/enfold/js/avia.js`
There is an auto popup function that creates a modal for any media that is clicked on.
Try to disable the **Lightbox Modal Window** checkbox option at the bottom of the **Enfold > Theme Options** panel.
This can be corrected by deleting `a:regex(href,[0-9]) ,` from the following code block:
var defaults = { groups : ['.avia-slideshow', '.avia-gallery', '.portfolio-preview-image', '.portfolio-preview-content', '.isotope', '.post-entry', '.sidebar', '#main', '.main_menu'], autolinkElements: 'a.lightbox, a[rel^="prettyPhoto"], a[rel^="lightbox"], a[href$=jpg], a[href$=png], a[href$=gif], a[href$=jpeg], a[href_=".jpg?"], a[href_=".png?"], a[href_=".gif?"], a[href_=".jpeg?"], a[href$=".mov"] , a[href$=".swf"] , a:regex(href,[0-9]) , a[href_=""] , a[href_=""], a[href_="iframe=true"]', videoElements : 'a[href$=".mov"] , a[href$=".swf"] , a:regex(href,[0-9]) , a[href_=""] , a[href_=""], a[href_="iframe=true"]', exclude : '.noLightbox, .noLightbox a, .fakeLightbox, .lightbox-added, a[href*=""]', },